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Winnipeg Hearing Blog

The Winnipeg Hearing Blog is Polo Park Hearing Centre’s blog on everything to do with human hearing, hearing protection, hearing loss and general interest posts about everything from weird facts to how human hearing works. We run some regular themed blogs posts such as How Loud It It that features local venues with a sound profile worth knowing about.

Hearing Aid Battery FAQ video - Winnipeg Hearing Blog.

Easy Ways to Maximize Hearing Aid Battery Life

Hearing Aid Battery life We are often asked question “how long should my hearing aid batteries last?” There is no easy answer because everybody has a different energy usage profile. Let’s look at some of the factors that affect battery life in your hearing aids. Zinc Air Batteries Hearing aid batteries actually require air to activate the chemicals inside […]

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Dolphins Amazing Hearing

Can Dolphins Hear Better Than Us?

We ran across this video about how dolphins express emotion through the whistles and clicks they make and thought would be interesting to compare their hearing to ours. Both dolphins and humans have a well-developed acute sense of hearing and a highly developed “auditory cortex” – the portion of the brain that decodes the information from

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CF-18 Hornet Acrobatics at MB AirShow 2016

MB AirShow 2016 - How Loud Is It?

To find out just how loud an airshow can get, we traveled to Southport airport minutes away from Portage la Prairie to take in the now infamous Manitoba AirShow. Despite hours waiting to get in, were still looking forward to seeing the last 2 performances; the CF-18 Hornet solo and the world renown SnowBirds (431 Air Demonstration

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