(204) 788-1083

Winnipeg Hearing Blog

The Winnipeg Hearing Blog is Polo Park Hearing Centre’s blog on everything to do with human hearing, hearing protection, hearing loss and general interest posts about everything from weird facts to how human hearing works. We run some regular themed blogs posts such as How Loud It It that features local venues with a sound profile worth knowing about.

Sleeping earplugs and Noise-annoyance

Can "Noise Annoyance" Affect Your Physical Heath?

The easy answer is yes, overexposure to noise that causes stress will indeed affect your health to some degree. In a recent blog article Starkey.com the topic of “noise annoyance” was discussed and we felt the topic deserved more attention because of the significant long term negative effects cited in various studies. Noise annoyance has

Can "Noise Annoyance" Affect Your Physical Heath? Read More »