Are Viral Infections Causing Tinnitus?
We are often asked about the link between COVID-19 and tinnitus/hearing hearing loss. Here’s what we found.
The Winnipeg Hearing Blog is Polo Park Hearing Centre’s blog on everything to do with human hearing, hearing protection, hearing loss and general interest posts about everything from weird facts to how human hearing works. We run some regular themed blogs posts such as How Loud It It that features local venues with a sound profile worth knowing about.
We are often asked about the link between COVID-19 and tinnitus/hearing hearing loss. Here’s what we found.
Here Are 3 Questions You Must Ask Before You Buy Hearing Aids That Could Save You A Lot Of Money and Problems In The Future.
Person-Centered Care is a health care concept developed in both North America and Europe that makes the patient an equal partner with the healthcare professional in the decision-making process of their care. It places emphasis on the patient’s goals, capabilities, and their expectations. While Person-Centered Care is a growing trend in healthcare due to the
Your future self will thank you for having had a hearing test to establish a baseline hearing level for future comparisons.
Why It's Smart To Get 1 Hearing Test Before Age 35 Read More »
If hearing loss has left you feeling disconnected from the world around you, Polo Park Hearing can help! Sign up for Demonstrations Days, September 20th to 22nd, where you can find out about the latest in hearing aid technology including smartphone-controlled hearing technology and convenient wireless charging We will be offering free hearing testing and
Enjoying a Prairie summer means sun and heat followed by rain and humidity. Despite most modern hearing aids being water resistant, they are like all electronic devices in the fact that they work their best when kept dry and clean. Short term exposure to water and moisture is unavoidable and it’s not a problem per
Two Environmentally Friendly Ways To Keep Hearing Aids Dry Read More »