(204) 788-1083

Winnipeg Hearing Blog

The Winnipeg Hearing Blog is Polo Park Hearing Centre’s blog on everything to do with human hearing, hearing protection, hearing loss and general interest posts about everything from weird facts to how human hearing works. We run some regular themed blogs posts such as How Loud It It that features local venues with a sound profile worth knowing about.

1 in 6 people develop heaing loss

Dementia & Hearing Loss - 6 Million Canadians At Risk?

1 in 6 people, roughly 6,008,000 Canadians will develop hearing loss and potentially be at a greater risk for developing dementia. To put that number in perspective, 6 million is approximately the number of Canadians currently living with diabetes. If you recognize the signs hearing loss, book a hearing test. Call us – Polo Park Hearing […]

Dementia & Hearing Loss - 6 Million Canadians At Risk? Read More »