What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus (“TIN-a-tus” “Tin-EYE-tus”) is a medical term used to describe a symptom that is depicted as the sensation of hearing sound when none is present.

The sounds heard by someone suffering from tinnitus can vary from the common “ringing in the ears” to being described as:

  • Hissing like sounds
  • Buzzing
  • Sizzling
  • Whistling
  • Roaring
  • Sharp chirping sounds

In very rare cases some people hear what they describe as “indecipherable human voices”.

Tinnitus can appear to affect one or both ears.

If you have symptoms associated with tinnitus such as ringing or buzzing sounds that have no apparent source, seek the help of a hearing professional experienced in tinnitus treatment. According to recent research, early treatment may be an important factor in success

The video below simulates the sounds heard by several tinnitus sufferers.

Tinnitus Is Treatable

Although there is no known cure, tinnitus is treatable. We strongly recommend that anyone in Winnipeg experiencing tinnitus consult a hearing professional for a thorough hearing test and hearing assessment.

For more information on tinnitus, click the links below or for immediate help please call us at (204) 788-1083.

We Specialize In Treating Tinnitus


Candice Holden (BC-HIS) with 11 years of experience, also holds a Tinnitus Care Provider Certificate from the International Hearing Society.  Candice’s tinnitus training focused on tinnitus patient care involving physiology, psychology, measurement, and management of tinnitus.

“When dealing with tinnitus you are not only dealing with the ringing in a person’s ears but also the emotional burden that an individual carries as a result of the tinnitus and the effect on their day to day life.”

End The Suffering - Get Treatment

A range of treatments are available to relieve the suffering associated with tinnitus. The first step is to get assessed. To book an appointment, either filling the form below or call us at (204) 788-1083.

We are open Monday to Friday between 9:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. or Saturday between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.

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