Types Of Hearing Aids

At Polo Park Hearing Center, our team of experts will help you select the perfect hearing aid for your needs, comfort and budget.

Our clients save at least $1000.00 over the lifetime of their hearing aids thanks to our free Continuous Care Guarantee.

We offer the latest technology from all hearing aid manufacturers, as well as comprehensive hearing aid adjustment and repair services in Winnipeg.

Our free Continuous Care Guarantee is our service guarantee that aims to keep your hearing aids up to date with free adjustments and minor repairs. Our goal is to keep your hearing aids working in peak condition for as long as you own them while saving the average customer at least $1000.00 over the lifetime of their hearing aids.

In The Ear (ITE)

Easy to adjust For mild to severe hearing loss Custom-moulded for a perfect fit Variety of color options available In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are the


Power Plus Behind The Ear (BTE)

Discreet design For moderate to the most severe hearing loss Variety of color options available Easy-to-use buttons or dials Power Plus behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids

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Invisible Hearing Aids

Invisible hearing aids are so named “invisible” because they are only visible when someone is looking down your ear canal. Barely bigger than a jelly