Winnipeg Hearing Blog
The Winnipeg Hearing Blog is Polo Park Hearing Centre’s blog on everything to do with human hearing, hearing protection, hearing loss and general interest posts about everything from weird facts to how human hearing works. We run some regular themed blogs posts such as How Loud It It that features local venues with a sound profile worth knowing about.
I Have Tinnitus & I Didn't Recognize It
It’s true. Despite knowing what tinnitus is, I did not actually recognize that I was experiencing tinnitus because it was relatively minor and transient in nature. Because tinnitus is a symptom of another hearing or health related issue it’s important to recognize you have it and seek medical help. Do not ignore it like I did!
Lifestyle & Living Longer
While there is at least one scientific study that shows Canadians live longer and have healthier lives than our American neighbors, there’s one group of Americans that are outliving everybody. The residents of Loma Linda, located in southwestern San Bernardino County in the state of California, routinely live well into their late 90’s and 100-year birthdays
2018 Ride For Dad: Custom Earplugs Up For Silent Auction
Check out the silent auction at the 2018 Winnipeg Ride for Dad to bid on a pair of custom earplugs from The Polo Park Hearing Centre. We thought earplugs would be perfect for a motorcyclist as we have shown in previous posts, wind noise and a loud motorcycle can cause temporary hearing loss that will
2018 Ride For Dad: Custom Earplugs Up For Silent Auction Read More »
Talking to Family & Friends About Hearing Loss
While convincing someone to seek help for hearing loss is the right thing to do, it is not always an easy conversation to have. Understanding how hearing loss affects people coupled with some tips on having “the talk”, will make the process smoother and more likely to have a positive outcome. Understanding Hearing Loss: Hearing
TV Assitive Listening: Sennheiser Flex 5000
Wireless TV listening devices let you watch TV, movies, or games at the volume you want with your own headphones while allowing other to enjoy their own volume settings. Sennheiser’s Flex 5000 works with any TV to transmit clear and well-synced sound to your wireless receiver where you control your own volume. Flex 5000 works