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Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Battery FAQ video - Winnipeg Hearing Blog.

Easy Ways to Maximize Hearing Aid Battery Life

Hearing Aid Battery life We are often asked question “how long should my hearing aid batteries last?” There is no easy answer because everybody has a different energy usage profile. Let’s look at some of the factors that affect battery life in your hearing aids. Zinc Air Batteries Hearing aid batteries actually require air to activate the chemicals inside

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Bill Clinton and Bill Austin of the Starkey Hearing Foundation.

Understatement of the Year

If our blog had an “Understatement  of the Year” award I would give it to Bill Austin, the man behind the Starkey Hearing Foundation. In this star packed video (Kevin Costner, Sir Richard Branson,  Miley Cyrus) President Bill Clinton reveals why this quote from Austin is so incredibly understated: “I want to chip in and do what I can

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