Starkey represents much more than just the brand name Starkey Hearing Technologies; it represents a complete hearing experience made possible by the most advance hearing aid technology available. Starkey hearing loss and hearing restoration research is at the leading edge of hearing aid development.
New Technology
Starkey’s commitment to developing new technology directly translates into hearing aids with performance levels that exceed the competition, and are capable of delivering more communication, more participation, and more life opportunities to do what one loves to do.
Mid Western Roots & Values: Helping Our Neighbours Hear
Founded in 1973 and headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Starkey is proud of their American-owned heritage. Starkey hearing aids are built to be strong and last through life’s hidden tests. The clarity and audio quality improvements in hearing are the result of thousands of dedicated workers striving every day to achieve a common goal: helping our neighbours hear their very best.
Hearing Is Our ConcernTM
Starkey has always operated under the single-minded purpose that “hearing is our concern.” Committed to constantly improving lives with new hearing technology, Starkey hearing aids are the direct result of pioneering R&D work that began in the early seventies and continues today. Audiological researchers along with scientists at our state of the art Starkey Hearing Research Center in Berkeley, California, put innovation into action every day to make the best hearing aids possible. Starkey researchers are continually seeking methods to better understand the science of hearing loss in relation to peoples’ lives so we can develop better technologies to improve Starkey’s latest hearings aids.
A Culture of Innovation
Over the last four decades, Starkey Hearing Technologies has continuously introduced life changing innovations to the hearing aid industry.
- Developed the hearing industry’s first in-canal hearing aid.
- The first to create a digital programmable hearing aid.
- First hearing aid company to utilize nanotechnology in manufacturing hearing aids.
- Introduced touch technology to hearing aids design.
- Created waterproof hearing aids.
Do you want better hearing today? Call us at the Polo Park Hearing Centre
(204) 788-1083 or click contact us to send a message.
Improving Lives
Coming from humble beginnings as a hearing aid repair shop, Starkey as a company has viewed their work in a different manner that any other hearing aid manufacturer. Their focus was not manufacturing hearing aids; it was always directed to improving the lives of people around the world through better hearing. This has motivated Starkey Hearing Technologies as an organization to create:
The Starkey Hearing Foundation: “So the World May Hear”®
As a worldwide leader in hearing aid technology and innovation, Starkey helps millions of patients connect to a brand new world of sounds, music, and the voices of their loved ones with clarity that they have never experienced before. The Starkey Hearing Foundation is an ever expanding philanthropic organization that works every day to help people with hearing loss experience more. See our commitment to hearing though our partnership with The Starkey Hearing Foundation – Mission to Honduras.
Are you interested in hearing what Starkey hearing aids have to offer you? Stop in or call us for an appointment today.
Polo Park Hearing Centre: (204) 788-1083 or click contact us.
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