$12.6 Million Funding Cap
The Hearing Aid Grant for Manitoba Seniors is now available and we are helping clients apply to the Manitoba government as of the 7th of June. The Government of Manitoba has recognized the health cost of hearing loss and is doing something positive about it by providing a $2000 grant to qualifying individuals for new hearings aids.
Why Choose Us?
We are celebrating our 25th Anniversary as a family run local business that has earned a reputation in the community over those years for providing quality customer service.
We offer free maintenance, minor repairs, adjustments, and work to extend the life of your hearing aids as long as you want them. We believe our clients should never have to go without hearing well again.
– Leslie Holden
All of our staff members have over 10 years experience in the hearing field and are all Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialists except for our Audiologist who holds a Masters in Audiology. Two of our staff, Kerry and Candice, also specialize in tinnitus therapy and have additional certifications and training.
To make an appointment, call (204) 788-1083 or use the form on this page.