Hearing Aids - 30 Day Free Trial
To reserve your place in our trial or get more information about hearing aids or hearing tests, call our staff during regular business hours at (204) 788-1083 or use our contact form below:
The Winnipeg Hearing Blog is Polo Park Hearing Centre’s blog on everything to do with human hearing, hearing protection, hearing loss and general interest posts about everything from weird facts to how human hearing works. We run some regular themed blogs posts such as How Loud It It that features local venues with a sound profile worth knowing about.
To reserve your place in our trial or get more information about hearing aids or hearing tests, call our staff during regular business hours at (204) 788-1083 or use our contact form below:
While reading the list of features for a set of “discount” hearing aids sold by a big-box retailer know for low prices, I was surprised so see that manufacturer listed noise reduction as if it was a high-end or special feature for the hearing aid on sale. Needless to say I was a bit taken aback by this. Just to
If you want true comfort and sound isolation, Starkey Tunz are custom moulded ear plugs that fit precisely for your ears to block out unwanted noise while delivering the ultimate in comfort and crystal-clear sound clarity. You can actually turn the volume down and still hear every detail better than you imagined thanks to 26 dB of isolation.
If you need a hands free solution and you are tired of having to stick an electronic device into your ear, there is a solution. It’s great for sunny environments and you don’t even need to use your outer ear to hear. It may sound odd, but Bone Conduction Bluetooth Sunglasses are changing the way
New Technology Let's You Hear Without Your Ears? Read More »
Elton John’s comment says it all when it comes to hearing and hearing loss: “It’s something that you take for granted, your hearing …” Polo Park Hearing Centre has a long history of supporting the Starkey Foundation. Do you have questions about your hearing? Give us a call and will be happy to answer all
This video explains why and how long you should “air up” your hearing aid battery. At Polo Park Hearing Centre, we provide state of the art Rayovac and Starkey batteries. For more battery tips, see our page on maximizing hearing aid battery life. Do you have questions about your hearing aids battery life? Give us a call and will