Employee Hearing Testing

Employee hearing testing testing plays a crucial role in identifying early signs of noise-induced hearing loss among staff. Occupational hearing loss develops gradually, making it imperceptible to workers until a significant change in their hearing ability occurs. Regular employee hearing tests are essential as they enable timely detection of such changes, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to protect employees from further hearing loss.

Hearing Loss affects incomes - man doing financial calculations

Hearing Loss Is Expensive

It’s widely accepted that hearing loss can have a profound impact on both the individual and their family. Along with an number of the personal effects, job performance can be greatly affected. After reading articles authored by Sergei Kochkin Ph.D. and Mark Ross, Ph.D., we were given a real eye opener as to just how

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Hearing Aid Battery FAQ video - Winnipeg Hearing Blog.

Easy Ways to Maximize Hearing Aid Battery Life

Hearing Aid Battery life We are often asked question “how long should my hearing aid batteries last?” There is no easy answer because everybody has a different energy usage profile. Let’s look at some of the factors that affect battery life in your hearing aids. Zinc Air Batteries Hearing aid batteries actually require air to activate the chemicals inside

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