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3 Ways Livio AI Serves You Better

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Livio AI is easy to use

#1: Hearing Care Anywhere

What if you want a minor adjustment to the settings your hearing aids but just don’t have time to stop by our office? That’s no longer a problem. With the Livio AI you will be able to request minor adjustments and have them made remotely. No more waiting for your next office visit.

#2: Virtual Assistant

If it’s after hours and you need help with your hearing aids or a particular accessory, there is no need to look at the manual or search online for answers. You can now conveniently troubleshoot hearing aid and accessory issues by simply asking the Thrive Virtual Assistant a question like, “How do I customize my hearing aid settings?”

#3: Livio AI Changes Custom Settings Automatically

Imagine walking into your favorite restaurant during a busy lunch and your can hear perfectly without fumbling to change settings for the extra background noise. The Livio AI remembers your custom settings by location so that you don’t have to manually change settings for special environments.

How It Works

When you decide a location requires some fine-tuning of the hearing aids settings for optimal clarity, you can use the Thrive Hearing app to save the custom settings in what Starkey calls a “custom memory”. Your custom memory settings can then be geo-tagged using GPS and cellular tower location information from your smartphone.

Livio AI Is Available In Canada

To learn more about how Livio AI can protect you or a loved one, call us at (204) 788-1083 or contact us online.